Empire Home Builders 2020 brings new financial innovations to the real estate industry. With new concept housing loans Just you have your own land. Can be used to build a dream house Without having to use contract money or pay per installment called "Completed before installment payment" which is the newest and most modern service in Thailand and the company developed housing loans in the form of P2P Lending Platform, targeting work form home (WFH) especially.Because of the changing world situation It is cost saving by working 100% online. The company therefore has the idea of "Smart Home System for Digital Business" want to use modern technology for your business to maximize efficiency. And customers who want to be safe with the property, can request to use additional services such as life insurance / fire insurance, credit protection, etc.Including 3D design services, drawing, requesting permission for construction, requesting house numbers, requesting waterworks and electricity Procuring home building loans 5 years construction warranty. 10 years after-sales service to meet the needs of customers with a full range.